Research Diary/Sketchbook for Objective 2.0

This is the research diary for Objective 2.0 which covers the historical spiritualism, scientific and psychological facts that will steer me to an honours project rich with appropriate elements.

Victorian Spiritualism:

(The Table-Rappers - R. Pearsall)





















James Braid


Baron von Reichenbach







Michael Faraday







Elizabeth Barrett


Charles Dickens







Paranormality: Why We See What Isn't There
(Professor Richard Wiseman)



Kate Bush - 'Strange Phenomena'







Eliza reminds me of Douglas Adams' character Gag Halfrunt in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Gag is Zaphod Beeblebrox's Brain Care Specialist







Image taken by Mumler

Dr. Hyppolite Baraduc


Image taken by Baraduc







A couple of personas of Sir Michael Gambon - dressing up to look the part 
i.e. actors use similar methods to portray different people and to fool an audience 


This is a test made by Richard Wiseman of Swami Premenda's powers under controlled conditions



Richard Wiseman interviews Dr. Peter Lamont


*the decline of Spiritualism as cinema evolved, does this mean that it was nothing more than entertainment anyway, and that cinema was a new trick or wonder of something that appeared supernatural?




Joseph Jastrow



Edmund Jacobson


Dan Wegner


Daniel M. Wegner - How do we control our minds?

Stages of Sleep



Michael Persinger vs. Pehr Granqvist



Heider and Simmel's psychological animation test





Hiding the Elephant
(Jim Steinmeyer)


Harry Houdini


David Devant


Modern Shadowgraph Stage Art

The Davenport Brothers


John Nevil Maskerlyne

Orson Welles





Howard Thurston on stage


Jean Robert-Houdin

